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Google Gestures, Sign language to speech translator! innovation out of prank

Google Gestures, Sign language to speech translator! innovation out of prank

Innovation, Technology , , , 12 Comments

[videojs width=”100%” height=”456″ youtube=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KB0LZNZe5yc”]
Released video of Google Gesture App on Youtube

I remember, a few year back in 2011, when Google played its annual prank on April fool day. The prank it has chosen was Gmail Motion Beta, representing keyboard and mouse as outdated technologies and made a claim to turn actions or gestures into commands to access one’s emails using gmail. Many of you probably have already been aware of this; still I will share the prank product’s launch video here but before this I would like to share something that will really amaze you; which comes out of the prank by google which it played 3 years back. I am very excited to tell you that today Google launches its official app called “Google Gestures” which translates sign language to speech in any language on which google provides services today and this indeed proves that google can convert any prank into realistic advanced and serious technology.

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. one of Clarke’s three laws

The technology has a nice research behind and it works on electromyography, a technique for evaluating and recording the electrical activities produced by skeletal muscles. It’s really nice to see how amazingly this app works and as stated by one of Clark’s three laws that “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”. This is really something magical.

and yes the prank 🙂

[videojs width=”100%” height=”456″ youtube=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jUyQoIhCoU”]

Official release page of Google Motion Beta (THE PRANK) service

It’s not just hope but also surety that google will continue to amaze us by such innovations in coming future.

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Tags: electromyography Gmail Motion Google Gestures Google Prank

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Hitesh is a young talented graduate engineer, entrepreneur and a mentor. He has been awarded various awards in the field of technology. His knowledge, understanding and inclination about latest technological trends make him very suitable for progressive growth. With good moral and supporting behavior let people interact him very easily.




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