Today is 9th April and this day is declared last year as Global #IoT Day. A day dedicated to the technology which is moving forward with its full strength to make this world connected and a better place to live and by doing so it is changing the world day by day. All this is […]
Google Gestures, Sign language to speech translator! innovation out of prank
Innovation, Technology electromyography, Gmail Motion, Google Gestures, Google Prank 12 Comments Hitesh Rohilla[videojs width=”100%” height=”456″ youtube=””] Released video of Google Gesture App on Youtube I remember, a few year back in 2011, when Google played its annual prank on April fool day. The prank it has chosen was Gmail Motion Beta, representing keyboard and mouse as outdated technologies and made a claim to turn actions or gestures […]
What is difference between DAQ, SCADA, M2M and IoT?
Technology BigData, DAQ, IoE, IoT, IPV6, M2M 12 Comments Hitesh RohillaBeing an IoT domain based startup, it’s customary that we inaugurate our blog with an article based on it. So here, I am putting forward our views on IoT and IoE wink! ; ) Preface We, oftenly, come across an issue where a majority of people confuse years old technical terms called DAQ, M2M and […]