Any Idea or Innovation that comes out of an organization is with an intent for it to spread out wide and help the idea implementation flourish big to serve the purpose it was launched. Communication helps businesses grow and prosper, creates relationships, strengthens the effectiveness of organizations, and allows people to learn about one another. […]
Impact of new technology on Marketing
impact, marketing, people, Technology encyphertech, internet of Things, intiative, IoE, IoT, marketing, people, technology, thought 12 Comments Yash MittalTop 10 reasons: Why have training on Internet of Things
Internet of Things, Internship, Technology 12 Comments Yash MittalInternet of things is now the next big thing in this era. Many students, teachers, employee has asked me query related to why one should opt of internet of things training rather than going to any other traditional niche domain training. They all are looking for answers. Here, I am giving them 10 reasons to learn internet of […]
Internet of Things is an environment of smart small hosting devices (because they get attached with any device and make them smart device) which are Always, Anywhere and Anytime (3As of IoT) connected with each other and sending some data or information which can further be processed over cloud to generate meaningful analytical result that can help further […]
Six months ago, a team from Appmob and enCypher Technologies Pvt. Ltd. left their home town to organise India’s first awareness cum winter internship program on “Internet of Things: Building Smart Devices” on a PAN India level. The objective of this seven-day internship program was to create awareness about the latest trends and technologies in […]
An initiative on Internet of Things (IoT) awareness
Internship encyphertech, IoT, smartworld 12 Comments Yash MittalIndia’s first internship program on “Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Devices” is a joint initiative by AppMob and enCypher Technologies Pvt. Ltd. (#enCypherTech). The objective of this seven-day internship program is to create awareness about the latest trends and technologies in the domain of the Internet of Things (#IoT) and thereby taking the students […]