The pace with which the world is turning from a self-dependent entity to an Internet dependent genus is actually very flabbergasting for any enthusiast who with all his efforts is trying to revive and enlighten people on the harms this rapid technological advancement pose for those living in self-proclaimed harmony at the moment. And it’s […]
IoT- Is it really what we NEED??
Connectivity, Internet of Things, Technology bane or boon, BigData, connectivity, encyphertech, global, internet of everthing, internet of Things, intiative, IoE, IoT, M2M, smartworld, technology 12 Comments guestWhat is difference between DAQ, SCADA, M2M and IoT?
Technology BigData, DAQ, IoE, IoT, IPV6, M2M 12 Comments Hitesh RohillaBeing an IoT domain based startup, it’s customary that we inaugurate our blog with an article based on it. So here, I am putting forward our views on IoT and IoE wink! ; ) Preface We, oftenly, come across an issue where a majority of people confuse years old technical terms called DAQ, M2M and […]