Six months ago, a team from Appmob and enCypher Technologies Pvt. Ltd. left their home town to organise India’s first awareness cum winter internship program on “Internet of Things: Building Smart Devices” on a PAN India level. The objective of this seven-day internship program was to create awareness about the latest trends and technologies in the domain of the Internet of Things and thereby taking the students closer to the reality of the ‘Smart World’.
In the Internet of Things (IoT), ‘things’ are expected to become active participants in business, information and social processes where they are enabled to interact and communicate among themselves and with the environment by exchanging data and information ‘sensed’ about the environment, while reacting autonomously to the ‘real/physical world’ events and influencing it by running processes that trigger actions and create services with or without direct human intervention.
Just like any human body has its most fundamental unit as DNA, the constituents of any IoT ecosystem is primarily Device (D), Network(N) & Application(A).The device for IoT is typically a sensor element equipped with a dedicated processing unit and independent power source. The network for IoT ecosystem unlike traditional telemetry application is not a dedicated radio network instead IoT ecosystem uses the existing telephone network or Internet. The application for an IoT ecosystem is the one which is intended to be used to retrieve the meaningful information out of the raw data coming from the sensors.
We are a kind of people who love to sleep late in the morning. We made a fight with ourselves to wake up at seven in the morning which was a hard thing to do but the eagerness of sharing things with students and their readiness to learn and gets their hands dirty on this domain made this difficult task achievable. There were lots of students with different backgrounds and insights of the technology and there was a pool of questions asked to us.
There were doubts which left us thoughtful…….
Sometimes we felt like dumbstruck and were asking ourselves “Are we going on a right track??”
But most of the times, the students’ questions left us……….
We were happy to share our 1/3rd of the time with the new and bright minds of our country and very happy to see the extent to which they were aware of what they were going to learn. Students from NIT Warangal, IIIT-Blr, IIT-Hyd, IIT-Roorkee, IIT-Bombay, CMRCET, AMRITA, GITAM, MIT-Pune, BITS-Mesra and many more attended this workshop. They were very happy to learn these new technologies and were happy to learn something exciting engineering stuffs apart from the usual boring theory classes.
Now, continuing this, we are again coming back to organise another batch of this internship program and this time it’s Amrita School of Engineering, Bangalore. In these 8-days power packed program, students will learn how to create the structure for the smart world, right from the scratch to an end solution. They will be given the insight of the infrastructure of the Internet of Things and will be told how this technology work. They will first work on hardware (Device) and then will develop their own cross platform applications. After that through the concept of networking, they will be integrating these two and control their hardware through their own developed applications. They will be provided with a kit so as to have a practical exposure of how things are happening.
Also, after taking feedbacks from the students, we have extended the session one more day and will be now devoting some more time getting our hands dirty on Python scripting language and programming on Raspberry Pi.
Our next session is from 23rd of May’15 to 31st of May’15 at Amrita School of Engineering, Bangalore.
For videos on feedback- visit: